The film, which is set in the Bhullur area, centers on Gautham (Pushparaj Akhilan), who at first thinks of leaving the area but then learns about the hardships faced by the farmers who gave up their land to build Airavathi, the new capital of Aruna Pradesh. But when the recently appointed chief minister (Vishal Patni) chooses to disregard Airavathi, the farmers protest. To find out what happens to gautham and the other villagers and whether their dreams come true, you'll have to see the film.

Veteran performers vinod kumar and vani Vishwanath gave respectable performances, with a few passages standing out in particular. Especially in the second part, Pushparaj Akhilan did a good job portraying his role, and the supporting actors did a decent job as well. Raajadhani Files aims to merge fiction and reality, but it doesn't quite achieve the necessary emotional impact and strong performances. Especially in the first half, the filmmaker blew the chance to create an engaging story that connects with the viewer on a deep level. There is also an obvious lack of cohesion in a few passages between the two sections.

The performers currently in the role lacked the requisite gravity, therefore other casting options may have enhanced the emotional depth. The scenes are not well complemented by the accompanying music. It is not amazing that the actor playing the cm is so barely there and doesn't speak out with any conviction. More impactful conversation may have been added to make up for this. It was also a bad idea to incorporate a special song into the somber second half.

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