Even at Ambani's house pre-wedding special, Superstar Rajinikanth surprised many by looking very simple in a t-shirt and lower. Rajinikanth's wife Lata Rajinikanth also wore a very simple cotton salwar without any frills. aishwarya is the only one who looks a bit more modern in jeans, t-shirt and cools.

Today, the last day of this pre-wedding celebration, Rajinikanth is participating in a pleasant surprise for many fans.

In this pre-wedding celebration alone, Ambani is said to have invited more than 2000 very famous people.

Similarly, it is said that Ambani has arranged about 2500 types of food for the celebrities and important personalities who will participate in it... and has given an order not to repeat the food that has been done once.

Mukesh Ambani has started his last son's wedding celebration 4 months before... he is spending money like water. Ambani, who spent 800 crores on his daughter Isha Ambani's last wedding, is said to be planning to spend a thousand crores on this wedding.

And the presence of Superstar Rajinikanth along with his family on the closing day of the show is an added highlight. It is noteworthy that these photos are now being viewed as viral.

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