Diljit Kaur gave a hint of breaking the marriage..

TV actress Daljeet Kaur married Kenya-based businessman Nikhil patel for the second time last year. But after 10 months of marriage, tension started in the married life of the actress and she returned to the country some time ago. After this, rumors of rift with her second husband were spreading. The actress has finally broken her silence and hinted at the news of breakup of her marriage with Nikhil Patel.

Diljit Kaur confirms break up with husband Nikhil

Yes, Daljeet Kaur has confirmed her separation from her husband Nikhil Patel. On saturday morning, the actress took to her instagram handle and accused Nikhil of cheating on her. Daljeet wrote a note and accused Nikhil of being "shameless" and "humiliating" the entire family. Daljeet has reshared Nikhil's instagram story on which the letters 'SN' were written and the caption, "You make me better." Although it is not known what SN means, it seems that these are the initial letters of someone's name. Along with this, Diljit has written, “You are now shamelessly on social media with her every day. Your wife and son return after 10 months of marriage, the entire family is humiliated. You should have kept some dignity for the children." Daljeet further wrote, "At least you should have given some respect to your wife in public because I was silent about many other things also. ,

Daljeet had shared the video in bridal attire

Earlier, Daljeet had shared her video in bridal attire after doing sixteen makeup. A lot of pain was visible on his face. While sharing the video, the actress had written in the caption, 'She chooses silence for the sake of her children... while her family holds her tightly to prevent her from falling... Hey SN, do you also have a child?

Daljeet's husband Nikhil patel is having an extra marital affair.

This post of Daljeet has made it clear that the relationship between him and Nikhil patel has broken. It has also become clear that Nikhil patel is having an extra marital affair. Perhaps this is why Daljeet left everything and came to india within 10 months of marriage.

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