Vadivelu comedy has so much power... the girl who recovers from coma

 The woman who gave up the decision to commit suicide! Amazing information

Comedian Vadivelu has claimed that the comatose girl has returned to normal with his comedy.


There is a saying that if you smile with your mouth, the disease will go away. An incident happened in reality as if it was suitable. A girl who was in a coma after watching comedian Vadivelu's comedy is back to normal. Apart from that, there is also an incident of a woman who tried to commit suicide and gave up after watching Vadivelu comedy.

Vaigaipuyal Vadivelu

Vadivelu shared about these two incidents in a recent interview conducted by Chef venkatesh Bhatt. According to this, when an 11-year-old girl was in a coma, the doctor asked her parents what was so interesting about this girl. Immediately, her parents said that their daughter would like to watch Vadivelu comedy.

Vadivelu Comedy

The doctor has advised to show the comedy scenes immediately. Later, Vadivelu's comedy scenes are shown by his parents. After watching the comedy scenes, the child recovered from the coma. After recovering from coma, the child's parents have seen Vadivelu and thanked him. Vadivelu is overwhelmed by this incident and wants more than this.

Comedy actor Vadivelu

Similarly, in another incident shared by him, a woman in Theni tried to commit suicide by hanging herself in frustration as her husband insulted her. When the neighbors broke the door of the house and went inside, the woman was watching tv and smiling with the rope that she had taken to lift her up.

Vadivelu Interview

Later, when the police came and asked the woman what was the matter, she saw that she was dying, and said that Vadivelu had come and spoiled her. Because, when the girl was about to hang herself, Vadivelu comedy was playing on TV. After seeing that, he has abandoned the decision to commit suicide.

Vadivelu comedy cures coma

Then the police officer got Vadivelu's phone number and called and told what happened. Then Vadivelu is talking to the woman, then the woman is smiling and saying, Sir, I died a while ago, you came and saved me. Then Vadivelu advised him not to do this again.

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