There are no production and casting hassles for Mega launch of Naga Babu’s son Varun Tej. What is stopping this family from official announcement is the story and director? Mega heroes have strong fans following in masses. From Chiranjeevi to latest Ram Charan Tej, their strength lied in gratifying mass public and fans.

Incontestably, Puri Jagannath was top shot director during the times of Ram Charan debut. Chirutha was a subject focused on surveying the skill set of handsome Charan in stunts and dances. He built a proper career with stardom later on developing as a hero with Magadheera, Orange and so on. In contrariety, Allu Arjun was launched with a non-commercial flick Gangotri, directed by Raghavendra Rao. But, Bunny grown up stage by stage and has a different image than Charan.

Which way should Varun Tej go? If Naga Babu opts for Puri Jagannath, the director has row of flops and miserably in bad condition to give one more Chirutha. The other alternative is safe and sentimentally emotional Srikanth Addala who can supply scripts like SVSC and KBL with ease. This could be a film like non commercial Gollabhama.

Varun Tej confused. Which path should he take…Bunny or Cherry?

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