Rajini kanth films are filled up with technology but he said that he is not all aware of any technology stuff and all he knew is acting in films. His latest technological flick Kocchadiyaan is ready for a grand release world wide and Rajinikanth shares few of his details about movie and also speaks about technology.  "Its an emotional moment and I don't have words. It's so nice to see you all after a long time. Last time I was here for my film 'Robot' and the film was one its kind... now I am here for 'Kochadaiiyaan' which is highly technological. But I am only an actor and I don't know anything about technology and God has made me do this film.... it is all God's play." "I am amazed... Saundarya, in her childhood, had this obsession. She liked to read books with pictures and my wife identified her talent and encouraged her. I am proud of her with all the legends praising my daughter. I hope people like the film." 

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