Official sources from Hyderabad have stated that Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao had inaugurated a fleet of vehicles under the "102 service" aimed at transporting pregnant women and infants. Meanwhile the chief minister also inaugurated bike ambulances that have been introduced to reduce the response time and to cover inaccessible areas.

According to sources under the "102" service, antenatal and postnatal women and infants are picked up and dropped back at home from public health facilities and moreover the service already exists in tribal areas. Speaking on the occasion, the chief minister said the implementation of the 'KCR kits' scheme and improvement of infrastructure and facilities in government hospitals have led to an increase in the number of people visiting government hospitals for treatment.

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Furthermore under the scheme, a kit containing items, including baby soap and a shampoo, are given to women who come to government hospitals for treatment. This new scheme is anticipated to gain popularity among all women of the state soon.

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