Reportedly PM narendra modi on tuesday said india will get its growth back and added that the government has already started taking steps towards boosting the economy with eased guidelines á the ‘Unlock 1’ strategy. His comments came while addressing the inaugural session of the Confederation of indian Industry's (CII) annual session 2020 to mark 125 years of its inception. "I would rather go beyond getting growth back. We will definitely get our growth back": prime minister narendra modi said.


Commenting on the impact of the coronavirus in india and the lockdown that followed, he said the government has two key responsibilities at the moment to save lives of citizens and to stabilise the country's economy. Restrengthening economy against corona is one of our highest priorities. For this, the government has taken immediate decisions. We have also taken decisions which will help the country in the long run," PM modi said.


He assured that the industry will get full support from the government to emerge out of the economic distress caused by the coronavirus and prolonged lockdown. However, he also asked indian corporates to take steps to promote local growth and manufacturing. He told the industry leaders that india must shift its focus on strengthening local supply chains and indigenous manufacturing units. The prime minister urged them to uplift the domestic industry in india through future operations as india aims to become self-reliant or 'atma nirbhar'."I request you to come up with a detailed study for each sector. We will together take up more structural reforms that will change the course of our country. We will together make india atma nirbhar, the government is with you," PM modi told members of the CII.

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