Reportedly cm Siddaramaiah had given a promise to the people of the hill country who were in fear of forest attack, the chief minister himself said that the hill country people who were looking forward to a permanent solution to our problem has been cold water. cm Siddaramaiah had given a promise to the people of the hill country who were in fear of forest attack, the chief minister himself said that the hill country people who were looking forward to a permanent solution to our problem has been cold water. Kaffinadi does not even have a district minister. There is no legislator here. There is no minister. Everyone is there. That is not for the people. In the meantime, people have vented their displeasure against the government saying that the cm is lying. So, do you know what promise the cm gave to the mountaineers who were in fear of their lives?
Did cm Siddaramaiah lie to the mountaineers?: Three people have died in the last 2 months due to forest attacks in Kafinada. Kinney a month and a half ago. Veena 20 days ago. karthik yesterday. All are from Mudigere Taluk. However, the government and the forest department have given 15 lakhs and washed their hands, but they have not provided a permanent solution to the elephant problem. Forestry has not stopped. However, the minister in charge of the district did not even go to someone's house to console them. Meanwhile, a woman named Veena was killed by an elephant on the day cm Siddaramaiah visited the district 20 days ago. Then cm Siddaramaiah said that the Forest minister will come here in another week and hold a meeting to find a permanent solution to the elephant menace.
But, no minister came. No meeting was held. The question arose whether the cm had lied to the hill tribes. In the meantime, the district in-charge minister KJ George has not visited even one of the three enemies and condoled with them. The hill farmers sarcastically said that the district in-charge minister is limited to the government program and his garden. Forest officials have given 25 lakhs to the deceased Karthik's house. Another 25 lakhs should be paid and 10,000 per month should be paid. If not, the mountaineers have warned the government that they will fight fiercely against the government.
Mountaineers' demand to shoot dead elephant: people have also expressed outrage over the government's compensation to a person killed in an elephant attack. 15 lakh compensation from the government is not a solution. 15 lakh money does not buy a life. We don't want a solution. He demanded a permanent solution to elephant pogroms. Will you give compensation of 50 lakhs to the sharp shooter who died in Sakaleshpur? Why 25 lakhs to karthik, who was working in the elephant control force. 50 lakhs should also be given to his mother, he is the only son. 26 years old. Who will take care of his mother? 50 lakh as compensation and demanded 10 thousand per month. 15 lakhs is not compensation for all those killed in elephant attacks.
They appealed to the government to shoot and kill the homicidal elephant. Overall, elephant menace is not decreasing in Kafinada. The number of elephant-to-saora is unstoppable. But only the forest department officials are acting as if this death has nothing to do with you. When someone dies. Go to the place and apply butter to the face and nose of the offended, give relief and wash your hands. Goji is not going to provide a permanent solution to the elephant problem. This is the real problem of the Highlanders. The cm, minister and district in-charge minister have no answer to this problem. bari Sul Helkand Thirugtare. Only people are constantly running around with their lives in their hands in constant anxiety. We have to wait and see what the government does.

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