Reportedly former minister V. Former minister SA Ramdas said in madikeri that Somanna and Arvind Limbavali had met home minister Parameshwar. Former minister SA Ramdas said in madikeri that Somanna and Arvind Limbavali had met home minister Parameshwar. Responding to the media, he said that everything will be fixed and we will go to the next election together. He said that Vijayendra, who has come as the new state president, will do that work. Responding to the question that v Somanna said that he will inform the decision on the 6th, he will make some decision personally in some cases.
Those feelings are relatively thoughtful and determined. If you look at it from that point of view, you can decide to stay in the BJP. All decisions at all times are not happy with the statement that the state president was chosen without consulting the elders. The decision to go or leave is based on our principles. That decision will be taken by respective politicians. So Somanna is the elder. I thought they would not take any other decision. He said that there is no question that bjp will do something as soon as they meet someone. bjp state president Vijayendra is right in saying that minister Jameer ahmed khan will not be allowed to attend the assembly session. Let's not mean it's not physical. Instead, he said that he will not leave in any way. Be it the lok sabha or the Legislative Assembly. Those who sit as presidents are constitutionally assigned positions. A judge does not care what religion he belongs to.
As soon as we get there we say Maillard. Similarly, the position of a speaker is respected no matter what society or religion he belongs to. But it has been used politically. This is not just an insult to political parties. That position is an insult to the Constitution. Therefore, our thinking is that those who oppose the constitution should not be allowed in the assembly. Our party president said that. Our legislators and opposition leaders have said that they will do whatever they have to do against it.
He said that the Kanthraj report will not be implemented in the state for any reason. Responding to the issue of the missing copy of the Kantaraja report, he said if he would have implemented it, Siddaramaiah would have implemented it earlier when he was the CM. But the report says that it will split the Hindu society. Hence Siddaramaiah did not implement that report. It is still not enforced. Instead, OBC caste census will be done to please rahul gandhi at the center and keeping in mind the elections being held by rahul gandhi in various states. So they are doing this keeping in mind the upcoming lok sabha elections. Also, the OBC community is disillusioned with this government in these six months. The Kantaraja report has been brought to the fore to draw attention to this elsewhere. He said that this report is not valid.

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