Reports from bihar added that nitish kumar has been holding the position of cm of bihar for a long time. He also remained with BJP. At present the grand alliance with RJD is heading the government. But meanwhile there is turmoil in his own party. There is speculation that Lalan Singh will resign from the post of National President, while Nitish Kuman has hastily called a meeting of the National Executive in Delhi. Is Nitish's grip on his party weakening? Let us know what the results of the quick survey conducted by CVoter for ABP say. In a survey conducted among the people of bihar, 52 percent believed that Nitish Kumar's grip on his party has loosened. Whereas 37 percent do not think so. Whereas 11 percent people answered 'don't know'.

Do you feel that Nitish's grip on his party has weakened?

  Yes-52 percent

No-37 percent

Don't know - 11 percent

The three major parties in bihar are BJP, RJD and JDU. What do the supporters of these parties think about Nitish Kumar? Talking about BJP, 73 percent of its supporters feel that Nitish's hold on JDU is weakening, while 16 percent do not feel so. Whereas 11 percent answered 'don't know'. At the same time, 43 percent supporters of Grand Alliance ally RJD believe that Nitish Kumar's command over his party has started loosening, while 51 percent do not think so, while six percent answered 'don't know'. Now what do the supporters of Nitish's party themselves say? 39 percent of JDU supporters say that Nitish's grip on the party is loosening, while 49 percent did not answer this and 12 percent did not know.

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