During the budget session in bihar Assembly, the issue of duty timing of teachers in government schools was also raised. The opposition created a ruckus regarding this. When opposition MLAs asked questions about the duty timing of teachers, chief minister nitish kumar responded by assuring the opposition that he will change the duty timing of teachers from today itself.

cm nitish kumar said that we have already said that the timing of teachers should not be from 9 am to 5 pm, the timing should be from 10 am to 4 pm, we have said this and it has not been accepted yet. We will call you immediately today itself and talk. Hitting back at the opposition, he said, "You were the ones who were watching this, but you said, you did not listen. If you had said, we would have done it at that time, today itself we will call and talk. We also used to study from 9 o'clock to 5 o'clock." The shift is not good, let's get it rectified immediately. We will check today itself. If you are telling us, we congratulate you."

kk Pathak will have to change his order

After the assurance given by chief minister nitish kumar in the Assembly, it is clearly evident that now Additional Chief Secretary of education Department kk Pathak will have to change his order. Actually, the duty timing of teachers was changed by kk Pathak himself. This order was issued on his behalf by writing a letter to the DMs of all the districts. In the letter written to the DM, it was also said that if necessary, teachers and education department employees can also be deployed for election duty. Their duty can be imposed only after 5 pm so that school studies are not disrupted. In fact, teachers are often put on duty for election work. Because of which, if teachers are busy in election work during school time, they are not able to teach the children. The teachers were opposing this order of Kek Pathak for a long time.

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