Before the session on tuesday (February 20) in the bihar assembly complex, Left party MLAs demonstrated with banners and posters. Protested the decisions of Additional Chief Secretary of education Department kk Pathak. Left party MLAs are demanding that employed teachers should be given the status of state employees unconditionally and without examination.

'Government should withdraw the case against employed teachers'

Not only this, during the protest it was also demanded that the timing of government schools, which is currently 9 to 5, should be changed from 10 to 4. Employed teachers working in government schools should get the right to transfer as per their convenience. It was also said that the employed teachers did not want to take the competency test to get the status of a state employee, hence they had staged a protest in Patna. During that time, a case was registered against many employed teachers, the government should withdraw it.

Former education minister Chandrashekhar also demonstrated

On the other hand, former education Minister Chandrashekhar also demonstrated in the assembly premises. When he was asked whether such a statement used to come from kk Pathak when he was the education Minister, he clearly said that we will give our statement after 2:00 pm.

What did Male mla Sandeep Saurav say?

On the other hand, during the demonstration in the assembly, Male mla Sandeep Saurav said that the government knows and understands very well the issue of giving the status of state employees to employed teachers. Their conditions were also discussed that they would be given the status of government employee without examination, but now that the government is taking the examination, many provisions have been implemented separately in it too, which is absolutely not acceptable. He also said that the three-district formula should also be withdrawn.

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