Accordingly a panchayat level mega conference was organized on friday by Hindustani Awam Morcha at bapu Auditorium in the capital Patna. During this program, 'Hum' convenor former chief minister Jitan ram Manjhi made many demands from chief minister nitish kumar and at the same time, he also talked about repaying the favor of 2013. During his speech, Manjhi said that the way MLAs was being traded to form the government. We received big offers from the Grand Alliance. There was talk of making us the chief minister, but we refused and along with the four MLAs, we supported nitish kumar to make him the Chief Minister. nitish kumar had made us the chief minister, so now we have repaid him.

Perhaps Jitan ram Manjhi demanded from cm nitish kumar to provide assistance to the youth and give reservation to women in contracts. During this, he also attacked leaders close to nitish kumar without taking anyone's name. Manjhi said that we have talked to nitish kumar many times. nitish kumar also wants to do something, but nitish kumar does not have one Kaikeyi, he has two-three Kaikeyi, who whenever Nitish ji wants to do something, they get him to do something else.

Jitan ram Manjhi, who has always attacked Nitish Kumar's decision on the prohibition law, has again given a big statement in this program today regarding prohibition. He said that if we win even 20 out of 40 seats in the elections, then we will get the liquor ban law abolished in Bihar. Manjhi demanded from nitish kumar that liquor should be sold on gujarat model. The chief minister should once again review the liquor ban.

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