Reportedly there was a debate on electricity tariff in bihar Assembly on Friday. During this, cm nitish kumar got furious at the opposition on the issue of electricity tariff. He said that I have been saying from the beginning that this will not be given for free. We provide it at very low prices. To be safe, we pay less. In some states they announce that they will provide free electricity, but we never said so.

Meanwhile nitish kumar said that even during elections he used to say that electricity will not be available for free. This amount is for everyone's safety. Looks like a little money. You guys destroy everything. Further pointing towards Energy minister Vijendra prasad Yadav, nitish kumar said that he is an honest person. Doing good work. You guys listen to what they say. Everyone please sit down. Why talk nonsense?

Let us tell you that the opposition members in the house were demanding free electricity. On this, Energy minister Vijendra prasad Yadav said that the bills of the surrounding states should also be seen. If the bill of other states is less than bihar, we will definitely make it cheaper. If not then do not say anything unnecessary. Do not make unreasonable demands. Power companies have outstanding of Rs 3 lakh crore. The state government is currently giving subsidy of more than Rs 14 thousand crores. Rural consumers are getting cheaper electricity from cities.

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