According to sources cm is an expert in this art. He has raised the issue of water bill settlement to divert public attention from the corruption stories of his government. Since he is surrounded by corruption allegations and people are raising questions, kejriwal himself has started raising the issue of people getting exorbitant water bills by misusing the extended budget session of delhi Assembly.

Meanwhile he said that the cm should know that the people of delhi understand well that the Jal Board is steeped in scams. Installation of air flow water meters has created a problem that has resulted in lakhs of consumers getting exorbitant bills. According to Virendra Sachdeva, bjp has no problem in settling the excessive water bills sent by the delhi government to the consumers. delhi BJP's stand on water bill settlement scheme is that the problem is due to installation of wrong air flow meters by DJB, hence it would be better if delhi Jal Board issues zero bills to all disputed residential consumers as a one-time settlement.

delhi bjp leader says that delhi government claims to provide free water to lakhs of consumers who consume up to 21 thousand liters of water per month, hence as per the scheme, zero bills should be given to all the residential consumers who were issued wrong bills. Are. cm Kejriwal's statement that if the people of delhi give him 7 lok sabha seats, he will settle the water bills. This is a joke. The delhi government has to settle the bills. He is already in power, but is not doing anything administratively to help the people.

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