Reportedly the engine and flywheel of a truck was stolen from a police station in Gopalganj, Bihar. In fact, after searching for nine months, the seized truck with animals was found as junk in the campus of Mahila police station under construction in Jadopur Road. Its engine, flywheel, seat, parts were all found missing. The body was found like junk. In this case, evidence was made available to the court of CJM Manvendra Mishra last saturday (24 February). Taking the evidence seriously, the court asked the police whether the truck without engine, flywheel and seat had come to bihar carrying animals?

By expressing displeasure, the court has directed the Superintendent of police to conduct a high-level investigation of the entire matter at his level and submit a report to the court within a month. The court said that the police was responsible for the security of the seized items, so how did such a big mistake and negligence happen? Why not compensate the owner by deducting the salary of the police officer responsible for this negligence? Now the hearing of this case has been fixed on march 23.

Moreover defense advocate ajay Ojha told the court that Lal Bahadur Yadav's truck (UP 50CT 0726) was seized by the nagar police station along with seven cows on october 2, 2020. On the application by the then ASI suresh Prasad Singh, police station case number 567/2020 was registered under Cruelty to Animals Act 11 (ⅰ) (A) (D). Considering the crime under bailable section, the court immediately released the accused on personal bond. The advocate said that on january 20, 2023, a report was sought from the city police station on the application of the accused for release of the truck, vide memo no. 74 dated january 20, 2023. When no report was given by the city police station, the reason was inquired by the court. Again on 20th june 2023, notice under section 349 of IPC was sent to the city police station in-charge vide memo no. 377-379.

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