Reportedly in chief minister Dr. Mohan Yadav's home town Ujjain, farmers blocked the market outside the market due to not getting the right price for wheat. Farmers allege that traders are purchasing wheat for up to Rs 1800 a quintal, calling it wet, while on the other hand, market officials say that wheat is being purchased in the market for at least Rs 2200 a quintal. On tuesday (February 27), there was an uproar in the agricultural produce market when some farmers protested against the purchase of wheat by traders. Farmers said that traders are defrauding farmers by purchasing wheat at throwaway prices. Makedon farmer Radheshyam said that his wheat was declared wet and a demand was made to buy it at Rs 1800 to 1900 per quintal.

Perhaps apart from this, some traders are colluding with themselves to buy the goods of farmers at low prices, whereas as per the rules, their wheat should be sold at Rs 2700 per quintal. When this matter was put before the market officials, no satisfactory answer was given by them, after which the farmers blocked the road outside the market. After the farmers blocked the road, police and administrative officials reached the spot and pacified the uproar.

Secretary in-charge of Agricultural Produce Market and Deputy director of Agricultural Market Board, praveen Verma said that the allegations of the farmers are wrong. He also said that wheat has not been sold for less than Rs 2200 per quintal in the agricultural produce market Ujjain. Even on tuesday, wheat was sold at Rs 2300 to Rs 2900 per quintal. Some people have made allegations by spreading false rumours. This time the price of wheat is higher than last year.

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