The chief minister wrote that, when I call the officer and ask why he is withholding the money and why he is objecting to the files without any reason, he says that the Lieutenant governor has threatened him for doing so. Officers say that they have been told that if they cooperate with the elected government, they may have to face vigilance inquiry, disciplinary action, suspension, cbi investigation, and ED arrest. I asked you many times to take action against the guilty officers but till date you have not taken any action against any officer.

cm kejriwal wrote, "Service and Vigilance are with you, hence you also have the right to take action against the guilty officers, but when you do not take action, a doubt arises in my mind whether all this is happening on your instructions only. I am forced to think that the work in delhi is being stopped only to defame the aam aadmi party and promote the interests of the bjp government at the Centre."

cm kejriwal requested LG

The chief minister wrote that I hope that this is not so, hence I once again request you to set an example by taking strict action against at least one officer so that there is order in the entire administrative machinery. This will send the message that the chief minister and the Lieutenant governor are working together for the people of Delhi. This will ensure that all the officers in the delhi government will work in the interest of the people of delhi instead of stopping their work.

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