MP Congress: Where is the party going, what will be the future?

Former home minister of madhya pradesh Narottam Mishra has made a big claim while releasing data. It has been told from his side that in recent times, about 20 thousand people have joined the bharatiya janata party in Madhya Pradesh. This alone includes more than 14,000 congress leaders and workers. In such a situation, the big question now is, where is congress going and what will be the future of the party?

We discussed this with senior journalist shyam Yadav in indore and learned from him why congress is heading towards the trough. On this, it was said on behalf of shyam Yadav that there is a situation of unrest in the congress in madhya pradesh at present. congress workers no longer have confidence in their leaders and are now worried about their future, or rather it can be said that congress leaders and workers neither see any future for the party nor themselves.

How successful will Jitu Patwari be in saving the party?

The senior journalist further said that although he did not forget to say that Jitu Patwari is young and young, he seems to be successful to some extent in connecting with the youth. Ever since Jitu Patwari became the president, many big leaders have left congress and joined BJP. Every day some congress leader or the other is joining bjp in the state bjp office. Such a situation of stampede has never been seen before in Congress. In their minds, congress workers have started feeling that their future is not secure at least by staying in congress now. However, the congress party and its spokespersons responded to this.

Recently, congress State President Jitu Patwari said that the people who are leaving the party are old buildings that have fallen, and the Congress's land is being leveled. On this statement, bharatiya janata party spokesperson narendra Saluja hit back at Jitu Patwari. He posted on X and wrote about the way Jitu Patwari, congress leaders, and workers are leaving congress and joining the BJP. It seems that the Congress's plot is not becoming flat but is becoming pothole-like, with huge potholes in it.

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