Show cause notices to officials absent from election training…

Officials are cracking down on officials who neglect their election duties. The district election officer of hyderabad issued show-cause notices to those who were absent from the recent election training classes. Moreover, an FIR was registered simultaneously.

Officials are cracking down on officials who neglect their election duties. The district election officer of hyderabad issued show-cause notices to those who were absent from the recent election training classes. Moreover, an FIR was registered simultaneously.

In the context of the parliamentary elections, training classes were arranged for the PO and APO at the constituency level of the hyderabad district Assembly. hyderabad district election Officer has proposed to conduct training in 15 centers for two days on april 1 and 2. On the first day, april 1, training classes were organized for 6,000 people, out of which 1,153 staff were absent. In this background, district election Officer Ronald raj became serious about the careless staff. It was decided to take strict action against the absentees.

In this context, show-cause notices were issued to 1,153 election staff who did not attend the training classes. Along with this, hyderabad district election Officer and ghmc Commissioner Ronald Rose has issued instructions to the concerned officials to register an FIR. Ronald Rose warned that this is what happens to officials who are negligent in their election duties. Everyone is advised to be vigilant till the completion of lok sabha elections.

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