3 IAS officers reached paris without permission...

Three IAS officers from chandigarh, who are roaming in paris with taxpayers' money, are in the news. He is accused of spending more than Rs 6.72 lakh on his journey and all this was taxpayers' money. This information has come out in the report of the director of General Audit, chandigarh, after which the matter is being investigated. This is said to be a case of 2015. The invitation was sent to the chandigarh administration by the 'Le Corbusier Foundation' of Paris. Four officers were selected for this tour. However, in the end, the names of three officers were mentioned. The then advisor to the chandigarh administration Vijay Kumar Dev, home Secretary Anurag Aggarwal, and Secretary (Personal) vikram Dev Dutt set out on this journey. Of these, two officers have been transferred while one has retired.

Budget of Rs 18 lakh increased to Rs 25 lakh

These three IAS officers are accused of wasteful expenditure. Because the administration had fixed Rs 18 lakh for this journey but these officials increased the budget to Rs 25 lakh. Along with this, one officer approved the travel of another officer. In such a situation, the sword of action is hanging on all three.

Reached paris himself in place of the architect

He was given permission to travel only for one day but without taking permission from the administration, he spent time in paris for seven days. Information has also come to light that this invitation was for the Chief Architect of chandigarh because Le Corbusier had prepared the master plan of chandigarh city but the trip to paris was made by three IAS rank officers. All this expense had to be borne not by the inviting company but by the chandigarh administration.

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