G-7 countries threatened iran, said- now we are ready..?

The leaders of the G-7 countries strongly condemned Iran's direct and unexpected attacks against israel on sunday, saying that due to this development, there is a danger of uncontrolled tension increasing in the region. The United Nations Security Council has decided to call an emergency meeting in view of these attacks so that the matter can be discussed. iran fired more than 300 drones and missiles at Israel. iran said it attacked in response to the april 1 attack on its consulate in Syria.

The Israeli army said on sunday that iran attacked late saturday night and fired hundreds of drones, ballistic missiles, and cruise missiles at it. A military spokesman said more than 300 drones and missiles were fired, of which 99 percent were destroyed in the air. "Through these actions, iran has stepped forward to destabilize the region and inflame uncontrolled regional tensions," the leaders of the G-7 countries said in a joint statement after a conference call by President Joe Biden. Have created a risk. This should be avoided. We will continue to work to stabilize the situation and prevent tensions from escalating.”

"We demand that iran and its proxy allies cease their attacks and we look forward to taking further action in response to further destabilizing initiatives," the statement, issued a day after iran attacked israel on saturday, said. The G-7 group includes America, Italy, Japan, Germany, France, britain and Canada. The group expressed full solidarity and support for israel and its people and reaffirmed its commitment to its security.

Biden also spoke by phone with Jordan's king Abdullah II to discuss Iran's unexpected attack against Israel. Security Council members will hold an emergency meeting at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on the air strike against israel by Iran. israel has requested this meeting, whose agenda will be “situation in West Asia”.

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