Iran said - notice was given 72 hours ago, America refused…

These days the Middle east is on fire. Late last saturday (13 April) iran attacked Israel. iran took this action in response to the Israeli attack on its embassy complex in Syria. Iranian Foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian claimed that iran had given neighboring countries and Israel's ally the united states 72 hours' notice before the attack.

However, a senior official of US President Joe Biden's administration denied this and said that Washington had not received any such warning. At the same time, Turkish, Jordanian, and Iraqi officials said that iran had already informed israel of the attack and extended it to both neighboring countries as well as the United States.

Big things related to the case-

1. A senior Biden administration official, while speaking to news agency Reuters, denied these claims and said that Tehran had not warned Washington. The official alleged that iran contacted the US only after the attack began.

2. According to ABC news, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) proposed several military response options to the Benjamin Netanyahu-led government in the wake of the Iranian attack. These options range from striking to avoiding immediate action. Israeli officials told Reuters the war cabinet favored retaliatory action against iran but differed on the timing and scale of such a response.

3. Israeli military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said that israel is on high alert after the attack. Operational plans for offensive and defensive actions have been approved.

4. israel Defense Forces (IDF) said early monday that all restrictions imposed as a precaution before Iran's saturday night attack have been lifted.

5. According to the report of the news agency Xinhua, israel had banned all educational activities and large outdoor gatherings on saturday before Iran's missile and drone attack.

6. The IDF said in a statement that after assessing the situation, it was decided to lift these restrictions from midnight on Sunday. Educational activities have now been restored throughout israel and the ban on gatherings has also been lifted, the statement said.

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