The world must stop the war to be a better step toward peace…

If iran does not agree and continues attacking israel, then israel will give a befitting reply. The fallout from the retaliatory action could also reach many other countries in West Asia. If America and britain do not want war, then they can stop the war situation by increasing pressure on the countries of West Asia. In which one can warn to avoid any kind of attack and try to solve the problem only through dialogue. You will have to avoid doing any kind of physical activity. If there are attacks from iran and retaliatory action from israel and Muslim nations come together in support of iran, these steps will lead to a world war.

India has good relations with both iran and Israel. india also has good relations with many big superpowers of the world. In such a situation, india should play a leading role and ask both countries to solve the problem through dialogue and prevent any kind of war-like situation. If this happens then it will prove to be a better step for world peace.

This will also give strength to the top leadership of india that only india can establish peace in the world. China's role on all these issues will be slightly different. china is already at loggerheads with America. The cold war is going on between America and China. China's relations with Muslim countries have increased in recent times. If any war situation arises then he will stand with the countries of West Asia. Which will not be good for world politics. china should also work for peace in the world and try to resolve disputes by bringing them together on one platform.

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