UN Chief warned israel against retaliatory action…

After Iran's missile attack on israel, conditions for another war have arisen in the Middle East. The UN is now trying to avoid this war. In this context, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres issued a reminder on sunday (April 14, 2024) saying that the use of force in retaliation after Iran's attack on israel is prohibited under international law. At the same time, America warned the Security Council that it would work to hold Tehran accountable in the United Nations.

Speaking at a meeting of the UN Security Council, Guterres told member states that the UN Charter prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. He condemned Iran's attack on israel and warned against going any further.

Guterres said- now is the time to reduce tension

Iran had launched more than 200 drone and missile attacks on israel on Saturday. After this attack, America, Britain, and other countries condemned Iran. America had expressed commitment to the security of Israel. In such a situation, a situation of war is being created between the two countries. "The Middle east is on the brink of war. The people of the region face the real threat of devastating conflict. Now is the time to de-escalate tensions," Guterres said at the meeting. ,

America appeals to the UN to take action against Iran

Deputy US Ambassador to the UN Robert Wood called on the 15-member body to unequivocally condemn Iran's attack. He said that it is the responsibility of the Security Council to take action on Iran's actions. "Let me be clear: If iran or its proxies take action against the united states or take further action against israel, iran will be responsible," he said.

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