Nirmal Chaudhary's stature increased, given big responsibility…

Rajasthan university Students Union President nirmal Chaudhary has been appointed in charge of the student union elections by the congress student wing NSUI. Since then he has been congratulated on social media. These days nirmal Chaudhary is holding election rallies in support of congress candidates in rajasthan lok sabha Elections. He won the election as an independent candidate and became the President of the Student Union in august 2022. Later he joined NSUI, the student wing of Congress.

Varun Chaudhary, national president of NSUI, the student wing of congress, appointed nirmal Chaudhary. In the letter related to the appointment, varun Chaudhary said, "After Kanhaiya Kumar ji's approval, I am happy to appoint you in charge of the Student Union Elections." I am confident that you will work hard to strengthen the organization as well as the congress Party.

PCC Chief congratulated

On the other hand, PCC Chief Virendra Chaudhary has congratulated nirmal Chaudhary. After getting the responsibility of nirmal Chaudhary, his supporters have congratulated him. There has been a flood of congratulations on social media. nirmal Chaudhary is expressing his gratitude by all the well-wishers. After joining NSUI, 23-year-old nirmal Chaudhary said that he would not allow injustice to the youth and would become the voice of the youth.

Congress wants to cultivate youth through Nirmal

Nirmal had said, "I will work for the youth of the country." Today I am going to be a part of NSUI. This is a new world for me. I will fight strongly here.'' nirmal Choudhary's joining NSUI before the lok sabha elections was being seen as a big strength for the Congress. congress does not want to limit nirmal to one state as a youth icon but wants to take him to different parts of the country.

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