The congress party, a stalwart in indian politics, has historically been a dominant force, boasting the longest tenure in power. However, in recent times, the party has encountered various challenges, experiencing a decline in popularity and electoral success. This downward trend is reflected in the decreasing number of lok sabha candidates fielded by the party in successive elections.

In the 2014 lok sabha elections, the congress fielded 464 candidates, resulting in only 44 victories. Subsequently, in the 2019 elections, the party contested with 421 candidates, securing 52 seats. Despite the reduction in the number of candidates, there was an improvement in the party's performance, with an increase in the number of seats won.

However, as the upcoming parliamentary elections approach, indications suggest that the congress party will field even fewer candidates, potentially as few as 330. If realized, this would mark a significant departure from the party's historical practice of contesting a larger number of seats.

The decision to field a reduced number of candidates raises questions about the party's strategy and objectives for the upcoming elections. Will this approach result in a more focused campaign, aimed at maximizing victories with fewer resources? Or will it limit the party's ability to compete effectively across constituencies?

As the election date draws nearer, all eyes will be on the congress party to see if it alters its course and adjusts its candidate selection strategy. Whether it chooses to prioritize quality over quantity or seeks to expand its reach with a broader candidate pool remains to be seen.

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