The recent stone attack on cm jagan in Ma Havedi has stirred up the political landscape of AP, sparking widespread criticism and reactions. jagan took a day off following the attack, and upon his return, he directed blame towards the tdp alliance, alleging an orchestrated assault on him targeting the marginalized.

While the tdp leadership condemned the attack, doubts and scepticism continue to linger, with some labelling it as a theatrical performance akin to Kodi Kathi 2.0. pawan kalyan of janasena also denounced the incident but raised probing questions about its authenticity. prime minister Modi expressed sympathy and wished jagan a speedy recovery.

However, the response from the alliance partners, including tdp, janasena, and BJP, has been inconsistent and contradictory. Chandrababu initially demanded severe punishment for the perpetrators but later shifted their stance, dismissing the incident as a staged drama. Nara Lokesh's cynical remarks about the stone originating from tadepalli Palace have fueled further scepticism.

Pawan Kalyan's call for a thorough investigation implies a degree of belief in the incident's veracity, contrasting with the alliance's mixed messaging. The discord within the alliance on the authenticity of the attack has left the public bewildered, prompting scrutiny and scepticism among the populace.

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