Maldives Parliamentary Elections: Vote with enthusiasm!

Maldives parliamentary elections are taking place today. people are voting enthusiastically. Parliamentary elections are being held today in India's neighboring country Maldives. Voting is taking place for a total of 93 constituencies. 368 candidates are in the fray. About 2,85,000 people are eligible to vote. The people of the country have been voting enthusiastically since the polling began. The votes cast in the election will be counted tomorrow and the results will be announced. The Maldivian parliamentary elections are hotly contested between the main opposition Maldivian Democratic party (MDP) and Muisu's People's National congress (PNC). The election is considered crucial for Maldivian President Mohamed Muisu. A pro-China, he continues to take an anti-India stance. Mohammed Muisu won last year's election as a proxy of pro-China former President Abdullah Yameen.

India's relationship with the maldives has not been smooth since the election of Mohammed Muisu as its new president. india has expressed regret that the new government of maldives is pro-China, which has increased its national security concerns. Maldivian ministers' disparaging comments on prime minister Modi's visit to lakshadweep caused a rift in diplomatic relations between the two countries. The withdrawal of indian military troops, the awarding of infrastructure contracts to the Chinese government, and particularly the controversial docking of a Chinese spy ship in its capital, Male, further soured India-Maldives relations. The Maldivian president has also been accused of corruption. President Mohammad Mussu has been embroiled in various controversies such as his anti-India stance, corruption charges, and the release of China-backed former President Abdullah Yameen, who was sentenced to 11 years in prison in a corruption case. The Maldivian election is said to be a test of President Mohamad Muisu's influence as he faces harsh criticism and accusations from the opposition.

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