Know why people in this area of Kota announced a boycott?

On one hand, the district administration is making innovations to increase the voting percentage, but on the other hand, people are boycotting voting. Boycott of voting has been announced in an area of Kota due to local problems. In the Nanta area of Kota, people have been troubled due to trenching ground for the last 20 years and this problem has increased in the last 5 years. In such a situation, the residents have decided to boycott the lok sabha elections to be held on 26 April.

The garbage of the entire city is being dumped here. The smoke emanating from this is entering people's homes due to which people are complaining of asthma, respiratory diseases, and eye irritation. Many attempts have been made to solve this problem but no permanent solution has been found in 20 years, due to which now these people are boycotting voting.

 20 to 25 thousand people are facing problems

In the Nanta area of Kota, people are in a state of migration every day or some people are forced to live here, this trenching ground has become a mess for about 25 thousand people. This time many people of the area have decided to boycott voting in the lok sabha elections. Residents have said that we will continue our agitation until we get any concrete assurance or basis for the solution to our problem.

Zoo animals are also troubled by poisonous gas

Resident mukesh Gurjar says that even the animals of the Biological Park are being troubled by the poisonous gas from this garbage collection center. The elderly are facing a lot of problems. The Municipal Corporation is also not paying any attention to this area. In 2018, the permission to dump garbage at this place expired, but even after that, garbage is being dumped here illegally, which includes plastic, hospital waste, toxic substances, animals. All kinds of garbage are being dumped here.

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