Will you protest if your name is not on the voter list? A case has been registered against 100 people

In mayiladuthurai, the police have registered a case against more than a hundred people, including the Pamaka district president, who staged a protest on election day due to their names not appearing on the voter list.

It is said that more than 400 people's names were removed from the voter's list at polling stations 143 and 144 at Mahadanatheru DBTR National Secondary school in mayiladuthurai parliamentary constituency on election day. Voters belonging to areas such as Mahadanath Street and Pattamangalam Street were shocked to find that their names were not on the list when they came to vote without knowing.

Mahathana Street D.P.D.R. has condemned the removal of their names from the voter's list and demanded permission to vote. They staged a road blockade in front of the school polling station on election morning. In support of them, more than 100 people including national democratic alliance party executives and mayiladuthurai parliamentary constituency candidate stalin participated in the road blockade. After this, the officials including Additional collector Sabir Alam, Assistant Returning Officer Eureka and the police all dispersed after a speech. About this incident, the mayiladuthurai police Station police have registered a case against 100 people including Bamaka district President Palanichami and the national democratic alliance Party under Sections 143 and 341 of the Act for illegally gathering and obstructing the public.

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