Fraud in the name of Prime Minister's housing scheme; women allege rioting against bjp leader in Coimbatore

Two women have filed a complaint in the coimbatore Collector's office against a bjp leader claiming that he will buy you a house under the Prime Minister's house building scheme. women petitioned demanding action against the person who laundered money on the Prime Minister's house construction project in Coimbatore. Minakumari and two women from the Ammankulam area of coimbatore filed a complaint in the district collector's office. In that petition, they mentioned that Vinod had defrauded many people, including themselves, by claiming that he was a member of the bjp and that he would buy houses under the Modi scheme.

In this regard, the women said that since they were staying in a rented house, Vinod introduced himself by saying that he was in the bjp while they were looking to get a government Housing Exchange Board house somewhere. They said that they will allot houses under the Modi scheme and they have shown the documents of some people claiming that they have already benefited from it. They also said that because he said that he was at the party and showed the documents of some people who claimed to have already benefited, they believed it and gave them what they could, 1 lakh, 50 thousand, and now they have taken all that money and cheated them by not allocating houses. They said that even though they complained about this to the police station, the police did not register an FIR against Vinod and only the CSR registered it against Vinod. Now the family says that Vinod Ditam is not always at home when he goes to ask for money. So the women asked Vinod to take appropriate action and return their money

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