Complaint made by parents- Arbitrary fees are charged...

The main complaints include unexpected increase in fees without any prior notice, different fees for the same class in the same school, getting dress and educational material from a fixed place, not providing TC and motivating people to take coaching. Many complaints were made by the parents. At the local level, parents are facing a lot of inconvenience as everything from fees, books, dresses etc. to Gyan ganga Orchid international school is directed by Bangalore.

The collector expressed his displeasure over the school management not presenting a logical answer on this issue and directed to take necessary action. Regarding the same school, a parent told that they are ready to pay Rs 50 thousand for taking TC but TC is not being given and the fees are being increased continuously. There are different fee structures in the same class. Along with children's ID cards, a fee of Rs 450 is also being charged for parents' ID cards.

Arbitrary fees are charged

During the inspection, many flaws were found in the schools, in which instructions were given to the concerned officials to take legal action in case of lack of permission for change of name of the school, DICE code and new recognition etc. parents told that the dresses of nursery children in Gyan ganga international school also come from Bangalore for Rs 13 thousand each. Along with arbitrary fees, a separate fee of Rs 5,000 each is charged in the name of pizza Party. Every activity is conducted as per the conditions of Bangalore.

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