Instructions given to take necessary action....

Similarly, in Christchurch school also, many complaints like increase in fees without prior notice were heard. The representative of the concerned organization even said that there was no information regarding ISBN. Instructions were given to the concerned officer to take necessary action as most of the books in the school were of B category and were being distributed without ISBN number.

some such complaints

The managers of Gyanganga Orchid school said that they were not aware that permission is required from the DEO to increase the fees. The most shocking allegation regarding the school was that it was run according to the head office in Bengaluru. Dress will be according to the weather there.

Fees are increased every year by 20 to 25 percent.

A parent of Christ Church school Saliwada told that his daughter studies there. Every year the fees are increased by 20 to 25 percent. Dozens of complaints were made to chaitanya Techno Dhanwantri nagar school but the parents did not come. According to the complaint, the school increased the fees by 33 percent from which around Rs 1.5 crore has been collected. Regarding satya prakash school, Polipathar, it was told that here also more recovery was done due to which around Rs 3.50 crore was taken from the students in 5 years. Complaint was made that one is asked to buy books from the book stall designated by the school. Book lists are put up on notice boards and the name of the shop is also given from where one is forced to buy books. Apart from this, a diary worth Rs 225 is given, whose market price is around Rs 30.

Similarly, Little World school Katanga was accused of collecting fees of more than Rs 12 crore in 5 years. The school management said that tuition fees were not taken during Covid, which were collected later. Along with this, a retired teacher there also made various allegations on which the collector said that the matter will be investigated.

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