Voting for assembly Parliament elections in andhra pradesh has been completed yesterday.. Especially in rayalaseema, it seems that the voting percentage has increased significantly. It is reported that the percentage has been recorded higher than before. It seems that especially women are flocking to the polling stations.  The youth also showed more enthusiasm to exercise their right to vote. Polling was recorded in other areas more than cm Jagan's own district Kadapa. Compared to the last polling, it seems that the voting in rayalaseema region has been good this time.

82.77 percent voting was registered in Sathyasai district compared to all districts in Rayalaseema. Yesterday, the ec informed that kurnool district recorded the lowest percentage of 75.83 percent. 78.72 percent in kadapa district, 80.92 percent in Nandya, 79.25 percent in Anantapur, 76.5 percent in Tirupati, 82.65 percent in Chittoor. If we look at rayalaseema overall, it seems that 79.53 percent has been recorded, but this is only the polling recorded till 6 pm yesterday.

It seems that the voters have exercised their right to vote even in some polling centers till midnight, ec has not yet announced anything official about the percentage of voting. It is being done. Like in the past, this time too, it is being felt that the people who got government welfare schemes have done this because the majority of women vote. And there is a lot of discussion going on in the political circles on this matter. And we have to wait till june 4 to know the final results.

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