Jawan arrested in police remand reveals many secrets!!!

CID got the information about sanjay singh, a resident of Pathaina village in Bhusawar police station area of Bharatpur district of Rajasthan, who is posted in Suratgarh army Unit, having a whatsapp chat with a female member of pakistan Intelligence Operative. After which, on May 4, the CID team reached the village to arrest him for questioning. The team had also taken him into custody, but the family members and villagers took the CID team hostage, beat them up, freed Sanjay and drove him away.

 The police had reached there on the information of assault with the CID team. The CID team had registered the case. After the case was registered with the police, the police took action and took a warrant from the court to arrest the attackers. On May 8, the police team reached Suratgarh army Campus and arrested army soldier sanjay singh from there. Have done and brought.

What do the police say?

Bhusavar police station officer sunil Kumar has said that the accused sanjay singh has been arrested by the police from his unit Suratgarh. Accused Sanjay was produced in the court, who has been sent on police remand till May 14. Apart from the police, CID officials are also making inquiries to find out what was the contact with the PIO and how the contact was made. CID sources said that there was a long conversation with sanjay singh and the female member of the PIO agency on its online chat. More than 400 chats were made from its side and more than 100 chats were made from the female member's side.

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