Death of tigress, cubs started looking for a new home…

The cubs that were rescued in Van vihar located in the capital Bhopal are now gradually becoming normal. On the fourth day of rescue, these cubs also ate chicken. The team of Van vihar is continuously monitoring these cubs. These cubs have been kept in the quarantine center of Van Vihar. Let us tell you that about 15 days ago, mother tigress T-121 and one of her cubs had died in Jhiri of the sanctuary, although both the cubs were healthy. After the death of the tigress, both these cubs became orphans. These cubs were rescued and brought to Van vihar on Thursday. Here a team of experts is monitoring these cubs.

Didn't eat food the first day

These rescued cubs did not eat any food on the first day, whereas on the second day on friday they ate half the food. Whereas on saturday and sunday these cubs were given chicken, which they ate completely. According to SK Sinha, Assistant director of Van vihar Park, these cubs are gradually becoming normal and are also doing other activities.

The cubs are in the quarantine center

These cubs, rescued from Ratapani Sanctuary, have been kept in the quarantine center in the National Park of Van Vihar. Initially these cubs were scared, but now they seem to be in a fun mood. According to SK Sinha, Deputy director of Van vihar, these cubs will be kept in the quarantine center for 21 days.

The cubs were caught after a rescue operation that lasted 9 hours.

Let us tell you that after the death of tigress T-121 in Ratapani Sanctuary, it was a big challenge to safely rescue her two cubs. Both the orphan cubs were caught after a rescue operation that lasted for about 9 hours. After which he has been kept in quarantine in Van vihar National Park, Bhopal.

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