When Bali held Ravana under his armpit for six months, unheard stories of Ramayana.

Untold story of Ramayana: Pandit arjun Shastri tells that after the completion of the worship after six months, when Bali spread his arms, Ravana was freed and ran away secretly. Shastri ji also added that Ravana was a great politician. He never thought of fighting with Bali again, instead he became friends with him.

Sugriva was the younger brother of the monkey king Bali of Kishkindha and Bali's son's name was Angad. So this Kishkindha king had kept Lanka's ruler Ravana under his armpit for many days. Pandit arjun Shastri gave this information in dna Hindi's program 'Dharmyug'.

Actually, these days dna Hindi has started a platform named 'Dharmyug', where experts answer all your questions related to religion. In this time's programme, a reader had asked whether Bali was really so powerful that he had tied Ravana to his tail? Answering this question, Pandit arjun Shastri told that it was kept pressed not in the tail, but in the armpit.

Pandit arjun Shastri told that after doing penance, when Ravana received all the boons, he wanted to have control over all the three worlds. For this he set out to win everyone over. After conquering Charachar, Ravana, immersed in ego, thought of conquering Bali also. He had heard that Bali was very powerful. At the time when this thought arose in Ravana's mind, Bali was performing a ritual for one year. Amidst this ritual, Ravana reached Bali and started challenging him - You fight with me, you fight with me. Then Bali tried to explain to Ravana that on a certain day our ritual will end, on that day I will fulfill your wish of war. But Ravana did not agree and kept provoking Bali again and again. Then Bali caught hold of it and pressed it under his armpit and continued his worship with folded hands.

Pandit arjun Shastri tells that after the completion of the worship after six months, when Bali spread his arms, Ravana was freed and ran away secretly. Shastri ji also added that Ravana was a great politician. He never thought of fighting with Bali again, rather he became friends with Bali.

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