Elections in andhra pradesh finally ended on 13th of this month.. But from the moment it ended, many kinds of riots are also happening in many areas.. Due to this, the ec officials are also taking various decisions. Especially the party leaders are also confident that if we win this time we will win.. Yesterday cm Jagan thanked the i-pac organization and told many things especially this time he said that we will win more seats than before.. But now let's see what is the confidence of cm Jagan..

Recently, famous journalist nageswara rao said that people like him will tell the truth no matter who they tell it to.. Some people may fail in this effort. According to his prediction, he cannot say who will get the power, but it is certain that he will get more seats than in the past.

Especially when it comes to YCP.. If it exceeds 151 seats as said by YS Jaganmohan Reddy.. what are the reasons for that.. especially a mass you can say social media.. a social alliance like Jaganmohan reddy built.. sc st minority, Reddys will somehow get their vote. Along with this section, the BCs have shifted considerably and in 2019, there was no difference in social media.

There may not be any difference even now.. Can't say BCs but.. st and sc minorities will not face any problem in the social base of Reddy's Jagan.. Moreover the minority votes are also more. Kapu votes fell to nda alliance in 2014..In 2019 there was a major shift and they fell to YCP. In 2024 Kapu youth shifted due to the influence of Pawan Kalyan..

Others may have seen it instead of shifting. He said that many pre-poll surveys also show almost 70% in Jagan's favor. Especially the alliance of tdp Janasena bjp which was good.. but the alliance in it has gone bad. If not transfer of vote.

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