Accused of murder of journalist in Jaunpur…

News portal journalist Ashutosh Srivastava was shot dead in Sarebazar in Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh. The police expressed suspicion on some people on suspicion of murder of the journalist. Meanwhile, a suspect fled from Jaunpur and went to mumbai, after which UP police, with the help of Mumbai's thane police, arrested this person named Jamiruddin Qureshi on suspicion of murder of a journalist, but when he was taken to North mumbai by train, The state was being brought. During this time, accused Jamiruddin escaped by jumping from the train at Khandwa station in Madhya Pradesh.

It is being told that the UP police personnel present in the train tried their best to stop the train. But the super fast train did not stop, after which the GRP police present in the train at Khandwa station was informed about the absconding accused. But by then it was too late.

As soon as the information was received, the GRP police registered a case against the absconding accused and started the search. The incident also came to light when the information about the absconding of the person involved in the murder of the journalist went viral on social media.

According to ASI Anni Lal of Khandwa GRP police, a journalist was murdered in UP on May 13. In which 5 accused were involved, one of them was Jamiruddin Qureshi. Who had fled to mumbai after the incident. district Jaunpur had informed mumbai Police. Crime Branch thane had arrested the accused Jamiruddin Qureshi. After which UP police sub-inspector Mansaram and constable Brajendra went to take him. On the 15th, they were coming to Uttar Pradesh by train with the accused on transit remand. The policemen including the accused reached Khandwa station on 16 May by boarding the Weekly Express. Here the accused gave the excuse of minor suspicion.


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