What is the brain-eating worm Naegleria Fowleri? 

Who took the life of a 5 year old girl

Brain-Eating Amoeba: A 5-year-old girl has died in kerala due to a rare infection caused by Naegleria Fowleri i.e. 'brain-eating amoeba'.

A shocking news has come out from kerala, according to media reports, a 5 year old girl died due to a rare infection. Actually, the girl had a rare infection caused by Naegleria Fowleri i.e. 'brain-eating amoeba' and the girl was undergoing treatment for PAM (Primary Amoebic Meningoencephalitis).

Let us tell you that this is not the first case, even before this this infection has taken the lives of many people. This brain-eating amoeba has been found in all continents and has been declared the cause of PAM in more than 16 countries including India. Let us know what is Naegleria Fowleri and what is its treatment...

Got infected after bathing in the local river

It is being told that the girl got infected while bathing in a local river. Although on May 1, four other children had also gone to take a bath in the river along with him, but only this one showed symptoms. The remaining children remained negative in the test.

What is Naegleria Fowleri?

According to health experts, Naegleria Fowleri is called brain-eating amoeba. It enters the brain through the nose and gradually destroys the brain, due to which the patient dies. health experts say that it reaches the brain and starts destroying the tissue. This causes swelling in the brain.

Let us tell you that this germ likes hot temperatures and is found in the lukewarm water of lakes, rivers, hot water ponds, swimming pools, tap water, water heaters and the soil at the bottom of lakes and ponds. Symptoms may start appearing between 1 to 12 days after getting infected.

Know these symptoms

Its symptoms may include headache, fever, nausea and vomiting in the initial stage. Later, the patient may have stiffness in the neck and confusion, seizures or hallucinations may also occur. In this situation the patient can even go into coma.

what is the treatment

Health experts say that most people suffering from PAM die within 1 to 18 days of the onset of symptoms. In this situation, usually after 5 days the patient goes into coma or dies. Let us tell you that till now no effective treatment has been found for this disease.

But patients are treated with a combination of drugs like Amphotericin B, Azithromycin, Fluconazole, Rifampin, Miltefosine, and Dexamethasone and an attempt is made to reduce its symptoms.

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