Ireland, norway, spain recognizing the State of Palestine; israel strongly opposes!

Israel's Foreign minister israel Katz said that ireland and norway have announced their support for terrorism to the Palestinians and to the world.

Israel's Foreign minister israel Katz has ordered the immediate return of Israel's embassies in ireland and norway to israel for declaring their recognition of the Palestinian state.

Katz said that ireland and norway have announced their support for terrorism to the Palestinians and to the world. He also said that recognition of palestine by these countries would hamper efforts to rescue Israelis held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.

He also said that supporting Hamas and Iran's jihadists would reduce the chances of a ceasefire. If spain also takes the same stand in support of palestine, they will also recall the Israeli ambassador to Spain.

Earlier on Wednesday, Norwegian prime minister Jonas Karstor announced that norway would recognize the Palestinian Authority. "Peace cannot return to the Middle east without this recognition," Storr said. Storr also said norway will officially recognize the Palestinian state from May 28.

Norwegian prime minister Storr said that by recognizing the Palestinian state, norway supports the Arab peace plan and that palestine has a fundamental right to act as an independent state.

Norway, which is not a member of the EU, has announced the same decision as several other EU countries are said to be planning to recognize the Palestinian state.

Following the war between israel and Hamas that started last year, the Israeli army has been carrying out attacks in Gaza. Thousands of people fled the Gaza Strip in May after Israeli forces launched attacks on its northern and southern borders.

In 2011, the World bank determined that palestine had met the main criteria for statehood.

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