Jagan became strong with good governance of Gandham Chandrudu.!?

-Gandham Chandra worked to increase the reputation of Jagan.

-Gandham Chandra swept the road with a broom and shook the whole system.

-Gandham Chandra done full justice to whatever responsibilities he has undertaken.

In the last five years, ap cm YS jagan has implemented many welfare schemes and has risen one step higher and received praise. However many IAS and IPS officers can be attributed to the proper implementation of Jagan's schemes and the fact that his schemes have received public appreciation. Gandham Chandra, who previously worked as Anantapur district Collector, worked to increase the reputation of Jagan. The comments show that the fact that his name has changed from Galli to Delhi, it easy to understand how ethical and honest Gandham Chandra worked. Even in the position of IAS, Gandham Chandra swept the road with a broom and shook the whole system. He used to put up self-respect posters in every office telling anyone not to leave their shoes but also to tie their hands while going to the authorities.


The measures taken by him to prevent the spread of the virus during Corona are not all. CM jagan himself appreciated his talent saying "Chandrudu.. Good job". Many changes were initiated after identifying the flaws in the system and taking disciplinary action. In later days, due to some reasons, Gandham Chandra was transferred as director of village and Ward Secretariats. Last year he took charge as MD of Swachha Andhra Corporation. It is noteworthy that Gandham Chandra, who has done full justice to whatever responsibilities he has undertaken, has done his best to ensure good things happen to the deserving people under the YSP regime. It should be said that jagan became strong with his good governance of Gandham Chandra.

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