Prakash Shendge on Manoj Jarange Patil…

Maratha agitator Manoj Jarange Patil (Manoj Jarange Patil) has again warned of agitation on the fourth date. However, OBC leader Prakash Shendge has warned that if the government takes a decision regarding Sagesoyer by succumbing to the suppression of Manoj Jarange's agitation, the OBC community will take to the streets. Sagesoyren's decision will have an impact on OBC reservation. Prakash Shendge has also said that if the government tries to take such a decision by succumbing to the pressure of this movement in any situation, then the OBC community will again come to the streets.

In a short period of time, he contested the election despite having no resources and financial support

Prakash Shendge said, even when OBC Bahujan party is our new party in the lok sabha elections, we have fielded 16 candidates. 13 candidates contested on our party symbol. We are in the field through this election. OBC Bahujan party has entered the elections. We fought this election on such a large scale in a short period of time without resources and financial support. We are not concerned about victory and defeat. Or he doesn't care. However, we will fight the upcoming assembly election with full strength. We have an executive meeting tomorrow, in which the strategy of how to face the upcoming assembly elections will be decided.

If the demands of OBCs are not met, we will protest against the government

Speaking further, Prakash Shendge said, if the demands of OBCs are not met, there will be a huge outburst in this place by protesting against the government in the district. All the consequences will be on maharashtra government. There is a topic that Kunbis and Marathas are one and the same. Further, this issue has been decided by the supreme court and the High Court. The Khatri Commission has mentioned that there are no Marathas among the Kunbis. Next Tuesday, our delegation will once again meet the chief minister along with both the Deputy Chief Ministers and Mr. Bhujbal. Now we are going to request that the new topic be stopped.

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