World Dangerous Road: This is the most dangerous road in the world .

Many people are unaware of the most dangerous road in the world. people call it the road to death. 200-300 people died of accidents annually.


Bolivia is the most dangerous road in the world. It is known as the most dangerous road in the world. Its name is called North Yungas Road, people call it a death road. 200-300 people died of accidents annually. This is the reason.


The road, which is 70 km long, is likely to occur on landslide, snow and landslide. In some curves only the road is over 10 feet wide. Very short in many places. In 1995, the Inter-American Development bank declared the road the most dangerous road in the world.


The road is not wide to make it convenient to travel a large vehicle. It is more slippery in the rainy days. Whenever there is an accident, vehicles fall directly from 2000 to 15000 feet. Going on this road on a bad weather has nothing to call death.

North yungas road

The road was built by the paraguay prisoners captured in the Sacco war between paraguay and brazil in the 1930s. In the meantime, the prisoners cut off the mountain and built the road.

Dangourous road

The road is dangerous, but the distance between the two cities is facilitating. The road connecting La Pass, the capital of Bolivia, with the city of Corigo. Until 2006, the road was the only travel route between the two cities.

Death street

But in 2009, the government built a different road. In addition, the government has made several security arrangements on this road. Because of this, this is not the most dangerous road in the world. It is a road surrounded by dense forests, mountains and rocks.

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