Indore Municipal Corporation about tax through Whatsapp!!!

A big initiative is being taken by indore Municipal Corporation. Actually, now the Municipal Corporation will give information to people to deposit tax through social media platform. Along with this, it will also thank those who deposit. For this, data of whatsapp numbers of taxpayers will be collected. After this, mapping will be done according to zone and ward. Then the details of outstanding tax will come on the whatsapp number of each taxpayer, which will contain information about property tax, water tax and garbage fee.

Plan to use social media

In this era of social media, the corporation will use its bulk SMS almost, after this it is also planning to use social media. For this, a database of taxpayers will be prepared. Under this system, after the tax is deposited in the corporation, the details will reach the taxpayer's mobile number immediately with thanks, while the defaulters will be told through SMS that they have to deposit the tax. Through this alert message, taxpayers will know that the corporation tax has to be deposited on time.

This system is working successfully

Currently, IDA is using SMS for its services. On any application, the applicant receives a message of inverted number, information is also given if the work is completed or is in process. At the same time, the electricity company is delivering electricity bills on whatsapp chat. This system is working successfully. Corporation commissioner shivam Verma told the media that initially the Municipal Corporation will reach 5.5 lakh taxpayers. Other urban bodies of the state are also taking such initiatives, through which thousands of taxpayers can be asked to pay tax in a few minutes.

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