The Hyderabad High Court in a interim order which was passed on Tuesday and has ordered the registrar of Hyderabad Central University and the Cyberabad Police Commissioner not to allow any political party or association to hold a meeting on the university campus from now onwards.

The Hyderabad has been at the center of controversy since the suicide of the Dalit Scholar Rohith Vemula which has happened on January 17th and currently the Vice Chancellor Appa Rao Podile has resumed duty after a long leave.

In an interim order the Justice A. Rama Lingswara Rao has directed the police commissioner and the varsity registrar not to allow any political party or an association to hold a meeting on the university premises and to give provocative speeches which are against the academic atmosphere.

The petition was filed by the Professor G. Vinod Kumar, has made a complaint that the Hyderabad Central University administration has failed to maintain a peaceful atmosphere on the varsity campus. It was also said that the political leaders are visiting the HCU campus for their own selfish motives.

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