A Magic Shop in Huddersfield, London has banned most of the 'Harry Potter' fans for not taking Magic on a serious note. As per reports from 'The Sun', Richard Carter who is the Wand Maker has stated that all his products are not suitable for 'Muggles' and he even refuses to sell the Magical accessories to fans of Harry Potter.

Richard Carter who is 57 said his wands are intended for use in drawing protective circles, warding off evil forces and not just to playfully use it. He said, "You would never believe how many real witches and wizards are knocking about.


They know they can come here and reveal themselves without people thinking they’re mental. I just don't need customers who don't believe it or those who don't treat it as serious issue.

If I had someone come in wanting a wand just because they liked Harry Poter I would not sell them one, no matter how much they were offering." However a hardcore Harry Potter fan said, "This is totally silly. It is like McDonald's refusing to sell happy meals to  sad people."

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