Washington sources reported that shortly after US President Donald Trump announced in May he would reimpose sanctions on Iran, the State Department began telling countries around the world, that the clock was ticking for them to cut oil purchases from the Islamic Republic to zero.

Furthermore with just days to go before renewed sanctions take effect November 5, the reality is setting in Three of Iran's top five customers  India, China, and Turkey are resisting Washington's call to end purchases outright, arguing there are not sufficient supplies worldwide to replace them, according to sources familiar with the matter. Further according to the sources that pressure, along with worries of a damaging oil price spike, is putting the Trump administration's hard line to the test and raising the possibility of bilateral deals to allow some buying to continue.

Image result for Tension splits Trump administration into two camps

Moreover the tension has split the administration into two camps, one led by National Security Adviser John Bolton, who wants the toughest possible approach and another by State Department officials keen to balance sanctions against preventing an oil price spike that could damage the U.S. and its allies, according to a source briefed by administration officials on the matter.

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